
Present findings and recommendations to USAID/Indonesia and the Government of Indonesia Ministry of Health (MOH) to generate lessons learned and rapid course corrections for USAID Jalin and for Indonesia’s national priorities for maternal and newborn health (MNH).


SI provides continuous feedback to USAID, the MOH, and other stakeholders to generate learning and support adaptive management by:

  • Delivering monitoring and evaluation support to the MOH on hospital mentoring, maternal and perinatal audits, and MNH indicators.
  • Assessing Jalin’s core operating principles and technical areas
  • Gauging the relationships between stakeholders and partnerships in the health sector
  • Monitoring the operating context for maternal and newborn health in Indonesia


Developmental Evaluation: Purpose and Practice

Assessment of Jalin’s Cross Border Referral System Activities

Innovating & Learning Through Developmental Evaluation

DE USAID Jalin Factsheet – English

DE USAID Jalin Factsheet – Bahasa

MNH in WP Infographic – English

MNH in WP Infographic – Bahasa

Jalin DE 1-Pager


DAI Jalin

Contact: jalin@socialimpact.com