Project Background
Social Impact (SI) is a Washington, DC-area international development management consulting firm. SI’s mission is to improve the effectiveness of international development programs to improve people’s lives. SI provides a full range of management consulting, technical assistance, and training services to strengthen international development programs, organizations, and policies. SI provides services globally in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning, project, and program design, organizational capacity building, and gender and social analysis. SI services crosscut all development sectors including democracy and governance, health and education, the environment, and economic growth. SI’s clients include US government agencies such as USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the US Department of State; bilateral donors; multilateral development banks; foundations; and non-profits.
SI’s official home page is:
SI is currently implementing the Mali Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning (MEL) Platform Project in Mali with funding from USAID/Mali. The goal of the Project is to assist USAID/Mali and its partners to generate empirical data and to foster learning and knowledge management, through a participatory process to support stronger results and improve evidence-based programming.
The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit quotations for legal services to help SI officially obtain its registration as an international organization in Mali, notably to obtain a license to practice from the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization to carry out activities in Mali. SI has submitted all the necessary documents for registration but has been in a pending status for more than one year and is seeking legal assistance to help facilitate and complete the registration process.
Service Explanation
The purpose of this RFQ is to identify a Malian law firm to provide legal assistance following up with the relevant parties on SI’s pending business registration. SI intends to issue a fixed labor hour legal services agreement to a qualified law firm to provide the following deliverables:
Deliverable 1: Registration of Entity
- Registering the organization in Mali:
- Follow up with the necessary parties to complete SI’s pending registration in Mali. SI has already obtained the TIN and the police investigation is already completed. Social security registration is underway by the project office in Mali. The next steps concern liaising with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, the Government Secretariat and the Presidency and any other required procedures for establishing a legal presence in Mali.
*Additional ad hoc legal guidance may be requested by SI, pending satisfactory performance during registration.
SI requests that all bidders examine the specific requirements contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP) and prepare responses pursuant to the terms of this RFP. The deadline to submit proposals is June 13, 2024. DEADLINE EXTENDED through June 26, 2024. Please refer to the RFP for a detailed documentation of project background and scope of work.
Points of Contact
- Abigail Price, Senior Program Manager;
- Gallo Sidibe, Director of Finance and Administration;
Image Source
- Legal Images, Pexels. Photo by Sora Shimazaki.