
Social Impact, Inc. anuncia una solicitud de propuestas (RFP) para una evaluación del programa de OTI Colombia. El programa OTI/Colombia está dirigido a ayudar el gobierno colombiano instalar su propia flexible, y eficiente capacidad de respuesta rápida para victorias rápidas; iniciar la implementación de la paz en el las geografías de seguridad nacional más importantes, y proporcionar asistencia técnica puntual y estratégica a los tres niveles de gobierno.

Fecha límite para presentar propuestas es martes 3 de marzo de 2020, a las 09:00 ET

Gracias por su consideración y posible interés.


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) Colombia Program aims to advance peace implementation by helping the Government of Colombia (GOC) install its own flexible, rapid response capacity to achieve quick wins; jump start peace implementation in the most critical national security geography in accordance with prioritization done by GOC; and provide punctual, strategic technical assistance to three levels of government.

SI requests that all bidders examine the specific requirements contained in this Request for Proposals (RFP) and prepare responses pursuant to the terms of this RFP. All questions related to the RFP are to be submitted by February 25, 2020, 17:00 ET and will be answered by February 27, 2020, 17:00 ET. The deadline to submit proposals is March 3, 2020, 9:00ET. Please refer to the RFP for a detailed documentation of project background and scope of work.

Points of contact:

Lisette Anzoategui –

Oliver Kaplan –

Mike Duthie –


Annex A

Photo Credit: Fauxels from Pexels