To develop the five-year Country Development Cooperation Strategy document and Results Framework to guide USAID/Zimbabwe programming.
A four-member SI team traveled to Zimbabwe to facilitate the Mission’s development of a scenario-based strategy and accompanying Results Framework. The team used a participatory approach to engage all Mission staff in examining Mission priorities and mandates. They produced a Results Framework graphic and paper including Development Hypotheses, Development Objectives, and Intermediate Results; and included uncertainties surrounding the post-Mugabe era by featuring a flexible-scenario-based design.
After development of the CDCS, SI sent two senior strategic planning and performance management technical advisors to Zimbabwe to facilitate Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) sessions and assist in finalizing the strategy’s ongoing CLA approach. These sessions produced a CLA Plan, which included key CLA themes and priorities, a CLA Advisory Team Charter, a scenario surveillance system, and adaptive management mechanisms, among other components.
SI gender and youth advisors reviewed the draft CDCS and developed separate technical briefs. The briefs analyzed how the CDCS captures and addresses pertinent gender and youth issues, and gave recommendations for additions or changes to the draft CDCS to address identified gaps.
USAID/Washington approved the CDCS. In September 2016, Social Impact was a selected as a winner of the USAID/PPL CLA Case Study Competition from among 63 entries for its approach in facilitating production of the CDCS and CLA Plan.
Contact: projects@socialimpact.com