
To support accountability and learning within the USAID/Bangladesh Office of Democracy and Governance and among its implementing partners.


SI conducts performance monitoring, assessments, and evaluations that USAID/Bangladesh uses to support project design, resource allocations, and other decision-making related to programming in the democracy, human rights, and governance arena. Between 2012 and 2018, SI completed 29 activities for the Office of Democracy and Governance:

  • 19 mid-term or final performance evaluations of activities focused on democracy, human rights, and governance topics
  • Two quantitative computer assisted telephone interviewing surveys
  • A sectoral democracy, human rights, and governance assessment in 2014
  • Two sub-sector assessments on anticorruption and human rights
  • A collaborative learning exercise on programming to engage lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons
  • Two waves of a survey to populate the USAID/Bangladesh performance indicators that gauge citizen confidence in government institutions
  • A performance evaluation of the Mission’s overall democracy, human rights, and governance program portfolio


Contact: projects@socialimpact.com