Localization in Focus: Two Concrete Ways Support Contracts can help USAID Missions on Localization
This blog is part three of a six-part series on localization. Localization is a power-shifting process, where power is shifted to local actors to address development challenges. [...]
CPR keeps CLA Alive: Creating Team Cultures that Thrive!
Do you have multiple offices or teams that are geographically dispersed around the world? Do you struggle to create environments where teams can balance churning with learning? [...]
Invest in Women: Accelerating Maternal and Child Health, and Nutrition Impact in Laos
Throughout Laos, high rates1 of maternal and child mortality and malnutrition persist disproportionately impacting impoverished, rural, and ethnic communities. The health and nutrition of mothers play a [...]
Localization in Focus: Promoting Learning Communities: A Pathway Towards Localization in Mexico
This blog is part two of a six-part series on localization. Localization is a power-shifting process, where power is shifted to local actors to address development challenges. [...]
Localization in Focus: How To Take Stock of Your Organization’s Localization Efforts
This blog is part one of a six-part series on localization. Localization is a power-shifting process, where power is shifted to local actors to address development challenges. [...]
Promoting Learning Communities: A Pathway Towards Localization in Mexico
This blog is part one of a seven-part series on localization. Localization is a power-shifting process, where power is shifted to local actors to address development challenges. [...]
Join Us at AEA Evaluation Conference 2023
Meet with us at the American Evaluation Association Conference next week! Start planning for your sessions, below we highlighted the ones with SI panelists: Wednesday, October [...]
Supporting Locally Led MEL through a Learning by Doing Approach to Knowledge Sharing
According to USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening Policy1, enabling local partners to lead MEL for development programs in their communities is a key step to putting locally led development [...]