Ghana has a long-standing experience in educational data collection and information management. The country exhibits a strong appreciation for data collection, production and utilization for “evidence-based” planning and decision-making. This notwithstanding, the quality and efficiency of data collection and management are challenged by practical issues, duplicated efforts, and underuse of existing data.
Support the government of Ghana and local organizations to build, establish and improve basic education monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems and frameworks that encourage learning and use of best practices, linked to Ghana’s new emphasis on primary school reading.
- Conduct monitoring, evaluation and learning assessments and analysis
- Create monitoring, evaluation and learning capacity development plans
- Finalize Education Sector Plan’s monitoring, evaluation and performance management frameworks
- Update data management processes and tools
- Establish basic education research agenda
- Conducted a MEL capacity assessment using the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) approach and the Systems Approach to Better Education Results (SABER). The assessment identified capacity gaps in data collection, management, analysis, and reporting. Key gaps included inadequate policies and procedures, predominantly paper based information management, and human resource and infrastructural challenges in the education sector. There is a general sense of lack of confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the data among education stakeholders due to lack of data quality standards at the national, regional, district, and school levels.
- Drafted a MEL Capacity Development Plan with a set of proposed performance solutions derived from the findings and recommendations of the assessment. The solutions include the development of a MEL performance management system including the improved EMIS software, ESP M&E framework, standardized data collection tools, data analysis tools, data quality assurance guidelines, data utilization operational guidelines and performance reporting tools that will be used for performance monitoring and evaluation.
- Created a solid foundation for a robust M&E system for the education sector. The M&E system include an online data collection and management system, revised data collection tools, a results framework, and performance indicators for measuring progress in education, and reporting templates.
- Conducted an initial review of the EMIS and School Report Card data collection tools to identify common variables and integrate them.
- Established a research partnership group including academic institutions and civil society groups to finalize a draft research agenda for basic education.
Ghana Early Grade Reading Program Impact Evaluation, 2017 Baseline Report
Ghana Numeracy Pilot Impact Evaluation, 2017 Baseline Report