September 5 – 7, 2018 join 300 thought leaders, practitioners, evaluators, and decision makers, to share experiences using technology for monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL). Register now for an opportunity to engage in multidisciplinary conversations, learning and collaboration regarding the emerging MERL field. Social Impact, DevResults, International Solutions Group, Esri, Oxfam America, Digital Impact Alliance and FHI 360 are sponsors of the MERL Tech DC 2018 conference organized by Kurante.
On September 5, 2018, SI’s Executive Vice President for Programs Kerry Bruce, Michael Bamberger, and Peter York will lead a day long pre-conference workshop on Big Data and Evaluation.
SI’s Director of Performance Evaluation, Innovation, and Learning, Danielle de García is a part of MERL Tech’s steering committee.
The MERL Tech conference sells out every year. Don’t miss out. Register here. Follow the conversation on Twitter using #MERLTechDC