
Help USAID/India understand and learn from health program evaluations to improve program strategies and designs.

Activities and Results:

Final Evaluation of the USAID/India Health of the Urban Poor (HUP) Technical Assistance Program, June – September 2015
SI evaluated USAID/India’s HUP program, which supported the central, state, municipal, and community health structures. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, the evaluation assessed the strategies and success of efforts to scale-up the program’s results.

Over the course of three weeks in the field, the four-person team interviewed 170 respondents and reviewed hundreds of pages of documents. The final report provided thoughtful lessons learned and actionable recommendations for USAID/India’s future health programming. The results contributed to the development of innovative policies and program strategies. Learn more here: USAID/India health of the urban poor program: final evaluation report

Evaluation Services, USAID/India, 2010-2015
SI worked with USAID/India under the Evaluation Services IQC to evaluate 30 projects. SI designed and implemented evaluations in multiple sectors including; health, education, clean energy and environment, policy analysis and reform, food security, and cross-cutting programs (education, gender, alliance building, water, governance, and information and communications technologies). Below are some of the task order assignments:

  • Improving Healthy Behavior Project – The four-person team conducted key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) among implementers, government staff, and beneficiaries. The evaluation generated lessons learned that informed USAID/India’s programming and the export of similar health programs to select countries in Africa. Read more: Improving healthy behaviors program (IHBP) evaluation report


  • Millennium Alliance (education, health, agriculture) – SI conducted process documentation for nine Millennium Alliance grantees. These grantees received funding through the Development Innovation Venture (DIV) fund. The findings from this activity informed the design and implementation of the second round of MA funding, as well as three other innovation grant programs funded by the Mission. SI also facilitated a training-of-trainers for USAID staff and three workshops for grantees on problem analysis, logical frameworks, performance monitoring, and business process mapping. SI provided one-on-one coaching to each grantee to refine and clarify their theories of change and logical frameworks. Find more about this activity here: Millennium Alliance Process Documentation and Workshops-FINAL


  • Innovations in Family Planning Services III Final Evaluation – SI used propensity score matching to identify an appropriate counterfactual at state and district-level and determine the level of impact of the project. SI mapped USAID’s legacy and relationships in India using organizational network analysis. The findings from this evaluation informed family planning policy at the national level. Read the report here: USAID/India innovations in family planning services : final evaluation report


  • AIDS Prevention and Control (APAC) – SI constructed a rigorous, quantitative impact assessment using secondary data sets from a variety of sources. SI determined the impact of APAC in districts where it was implemented, compared to a group of statistically similar districts where it was not. See the findings here: AIDS prevention and control (APAC) evaluation, USAID/India
