We conduct rigorous impact evaluations of global development programs to determine their true effects. Our experts design experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations using qualitative and quantitative research methods to test what approaches work best and why. SI also conducts large-scale surveys to assess development indicators or to inform program and evaluation design. We focus on quality results and how our clients will use the information to make policy and program decisions.
SI’s IE team draws on expert capabilities in a range of methodologies, including randomized control trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental designs (QEDs), as well as deep expertise with innovative data collection methodologies such as mobile and electronic data collection, randomized response and list experiments, and sensor technology.
Learn more about our Impact Evaluation work here.
- SI is a global leader in evaluation capacity building for the US Agency for International Development (USAID), Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and the US Department of State(DoS). In addition, each of our IEs is conducted in collaboration with local research partners and institutions.
- In a randomized controlled trial impact evaluation of an education program in Indonesia, SI found significant improvement in school governance but not in student outcomes. This suggests that additional programming is necessary to improve student education.
- In Malawi SI conducted a baseline and midline study for an impact evaluation of early grade reading activities. SI compared the student reading scores from participating and non-participating schools. By providing the results in report cards, school administrators, parents, teachers, and policy makers are able to understand and use the information to modify their efforts and further improve education outcomes.
SI procedures guarantee clear lines of communication, high-quality and timely deliverables, and effective management with local partner organizations.
SI has a proprietary data quality assurance system for impact evaluations and other large-scale data collection efforts. Comprised of customized templates, guidelines, tools, and real-time data quality monitoring protocols, this system ensures the data integrity and other quality standards are maintained. These resources cover all activities in the IE lifecycle including: preparation and rapid start-up, fieldwork and data collection, data management and data quality monitoring, and analysis and reporting. The rigorous evaluations result in empirically-sound conclusions.
SI’s in house Institutional Review Board reviews and certifies all IE data collection plans and instruments to ensure adequate protection and ethical treatment of human research subjects. All IE teams are required to complete human subjects training to ensure a thorough and informed review.
SI employs mixed-methods approaches, building on the strength of both quantitative and qualitative findings. We draw from deep expertise with up-to-date, effective, and innovative methodologies including electronic and mobile phone-based data collection, randomized response strategies, and unobtrusive direct observation.
Pairing IE with cost effectiveness analysis, we provide clients with robust information on the relative strengths of competing policy choices.