To understand factors that impact youth development and assess the capacity of the youth centers. Together this information will assist future decision-making on youth development policy and programming in the region.
The Youth Cohort Study is an 18-month longitudinal cohort study. SI will examine factors that contribute to participants’ changes in employment, income, education, and attitudes towards violence. As a rigorous mixed methods research study, the YCS includes both quantitative and qualitative data collection efforts. The YCS also incorporates household surveys for a subset of youth in the study. It will focus on youth ages 18-25 participating in the following five USAID-supported YDRCs: Qalqilya, Jenin, Jericho, Hebron, and Nablus.
The YCS findings will eventually be applied to advance the USAID/West Bank/Gaza mission to provide increased opportunities for youth to realize their potential to effectively contribute to social and economic development in a stable and prosperous Palestinian state.
To read full baseline report see Youth Cohort Study of USAID/West Bank and Gaza’s Partnerships with Youth Activity
Partnerships with Youth – implementing partner project page
Contact: projects@socialimpact.com